Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Medical Doctor: A Profession of Public Trust. The profession of physician is highly prestigious and enjoys social trust, however there are fewer and fewer practitioners in the field. This shortage will soon be a serious problem. In July 2015, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University obtained the necessary entitlements to offer medical studies and commenced educating future doctors in October 2016. This is the very first non-public university in Poland to do so.
Film and TV Production Management
Are you interested in film or television? Would you like to be a member of a film or TV production crew instead of being a viewer? If so, then this course is for you! You will acquire wide knowledge on film and television. You will get to know the duties of the film crew members, as well as learn the stages of film and television production. Starting from the script, through the shooting period up to the post production. You will learn how to work with scriptwriters, directors, actors, journalists, DOPs, production sound mixers, set designers and editors.
International Business
At AFMKU we prepare you to face present and future challenges in the international business world. Through our unique learning environment and state-of-the-art facilities, you can gain knowledge, skills and experiences to stand out from the crowd in your future career. International Business is a first- and second-cycle programmes run by the Faculty of Law, Administration and International Relations.
The courses are conducted by the Polish as well as foreign visiting lecturers. Students get an opportunity to study over 30 courses including such standard subjects as Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, IT, International Political Relations, Sociology, Mathematics, Law, Accounting, International Trade, Statistics, Marketing or Intercultural Communication in Business and Management. The programme of studies also involves a pertinent four-week practical training. Upon the completion of studies, graduates receive Bachelor diplomas issued in accordance with the Bologna Process.
International Tourism
We are undertaking various initiatives aiming at the internationalisation of our institution. Within the Human Capital Programme run by the European Union, we have developed an academic programme in International Tourism which is run by the Faculty of Law, Administration and International Relations.
It is a first-cycle programme which lasts 3 years (6 semesters) and finishes with the Bachelor diploma. Courses are conducted by top specialists in the field of tourism including members of UNWTO and visiting professors. Eligible students are able to get a substantial financial support. Elements of e-learning are implemented in the programme of studies as well.
A management education and career is by far the most universal and versatile professional preparation for your people. Earning the Bachelor Degree in English is additional asset as contemporary business and public administration has accepted English as the lingua franca. Combined with ambitious and novel study work Management in English provides you with unique and useful skills and capabilities to successfully pursue your professional goals.
The International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
The studies offer a core curriculum emphasizing the traditional academic components of International Relations with a focus on the role of soft power and Cultural Diplomacy in contemporary global affairs.
Description: A program that focus on the systematic study of international politics and institutions, and the conduct of diplomacy and foreign policy. The required and elective courses you would like take. Course are listed here that are illustrative of the breadth of topics you are likely to experience were you to major In this field.
World Order in Historical Perspective, Culture and Civilization in the Modern World, History of Diplomacy, Diplomatic Practice, Cultural Diplomacy, Violence and Terror in International Relations, International Politics, Western Politics Thought and more.
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